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Hello everyone!


I was born in a small european country called Belgium. Pehaps you have heard about it because of its reputed chocolates, beers anc chips. I am a good at being Belgian : I love eating dark chocolate, drinking beers (it is allowed for the over 16, by the way I am 17 years old and my name is Adrienne) and eating chips. But it doesn't mean that I am fat. Indeed you can see me every Wednesday playing tennis on the court or running around the college. In contrary, you won't ever see me eating at the Subway because I prefer healthy and bio food. As the class representant, I would like to create an area where bio food would be sold.

I come from the countryside (20 minutes from the Spa-Francorchamps GP) but I enjoy going to town for the cinema, the theatre or other cultural activities. I took part in a play called "Fille" (=Girl). It was the most influencial experience of my life because I was playing with professional comedians from Brussels. We performed 10 times and every one of them was completely amazing!

As you might have noticed, I appreciate every kind of art. When I was at secondary school I had history of art as a lesson and I really enjoyed it. As I said, I love going to the theatre but I also like reading books and writing. I am not good at it but I don't care : nobody reads them except for my best friend Mérydith. We share the same passions : she love traveling (she is in Minessota at the moment) she has excellent taste in music and she took part in the play with me.

My family and my friends are stalwart of my life, I know that I can count on them whatever happens and I miss them a lot. Nevertheless, I found here a great host family and international students from who I am learning a lot.

My nickname is Adri so if you want to call me like this please feel free do to so because I know how hard it is to pronounce my name (even for a french speaker). My mother tongue is french but as I live next to the german border therefore I can speak german as well. But not as much as I should so I'm going to spend 18 weeks in Berlin in order to improve it. Later I would like to study something related to the languages but I don't know what yet. 

PS : My birthday is the 10th of December so if you want to bake a birthday cake for me I would be please. In addition to be funny I am also really sensitive so please don't give me anything that could make me cry. Thanks for having read until the end!

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