The White Cliffs in Seaford
On Sunday 22nd of November, quite a cold day, we went to see the white cliffs in Seaford. We were lucky, it didn’t rain that day!
We met at the train station in the morning, around 10 o’clock. Not knowing that the train was going to leave almost 45 minutes later… We bought the tickets and got some coffee to wake up. Victoria taught us a word people only use in her area in Brazil: in English it means ‘to lizard’. It means that when you chill when the sun shines on you, you’re like a lizard.
We knew this was going to be a long trip, because we had to go to Brighton first and then change to another train to Seaford. Time passed by very quickly, though.
When we arrived in Brighton, some of us bought themselves lunch and a hot drink to warm up. The air was freezing! We all had a go on the piano in the train station.
After 30 minutes in the train to Seaford, we finally arrived. We still had to walk 15 to 20 minutes to actually see the white cliffs, but it was worth it. The beach was beautiful!
We wanted to walk up the cliffs, and so we did but our shoes got very dirty so at the end of the day we were a bit annoyed by all the mud on it (we were an all-girl group). We took loads of pictures, and because it was so sunny they turned out really well. I think in total we hiked for about 2 to 3 hours (!) up and down the cliff.
Back in Brighton, (of course) we went to Primark. It was already getting dark so we started to look for a place to eat. We were in disagreement about where and what we should eat and how much we wanted to spend. Eventually, we ended up in Pizza Hut.
We took the train back to Chichester and were all very tired and not that talkative anymore.